Winter Haven Area Chamber of Commerce
Structure 1 (A2)
401 Avenue B NW
Year Built 1990
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Tour Narrative
Use the brochure or the map on the website to find the first building on the tour, the Winter Haven Chamber of Commerce. There is plenty of public parking all around the Chamber, so find a spot and get out of your car to have a look. You can also find free copies of the brochure in the Chamber office.
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Standing under the breezeway of the impressive Winter Haven Chamber of Commerce, there is a massive amount of concrete over your head. The white beams you see are the famous pre-stressed concrete double T beam system that was invented by Gene Leedy early in his career. You'll see many examples of them on this tour. But here, under the Chamber is where you may best witness how these beams enable you to be safe under such a tremendous load.
Leedy employs T-beams in both residential and commercial buildings. This structural system allows for interior walls to carry no weight, while creating wide open interior spaces that had never been possible before. The Chamber's many cantilevered balconies and overhangs are also supported by these strong beams with architectural strength and aesthetic ease.
What was not easy was the decision to locate the Chamber here on this site. Gene Leedy explains the dilemma and solution:
"We had a big meeting down there opposing the building being there because it disrupted the park. So I said, well, why don't we do this? Why don't we build the building and leave the bottom open so the park goes right through it? And you have the integrity of the park and you have a Chamber of Commerce Building downtown. So everybody liked that. That was one good compliment. Everybody came out happy."
If you look through the breezeway to the north and south, you can see how the City's beautifully restored park runs through downtown unimpeded by this building. Completed in 1990, the Chamber became an important part of the ongoing revitalization efforts in downtown Winter Haven. Its red tile roof and stark white walls stand proudly while welcoming visitors and sheltering those passing through.
The dynamics of the Chamber of Commerce change with every angle, making it a solid piece of architecture, while kinetic to the eye. Notice this intentional and integral component in many of the sites you visit. And don't pass up the opportunity to see this building from every side and from a distance as you walk over to the next site on the tour.