Sands Residence
Structure 22 (D4)
185 Lake Otis Road (Lakewood)
Year Built 1965
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Tour Narrative
Drive to the stop sign at the end of Drexel and turn right on 16th Street NE back to SR 542/Lake Elbert Drive. Turn right again. The next site is located in a gated neighborhood called Lakewood. Well worth seeing, you will take a five-minute detour, and the gate is closed at dusk. But if you decide to go, turn left on 14th Street to the end. Then turn right on Lake Link Drive SE and continue through the gate and across the causeway into Lakewood. Take the first right on Lake Link Drive as you watch for the speed bumps. Right again on Lake Otis Drive and look straight ahead at the majestic Sands Residence behind the palms.
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Pull just past the end of the circular driveway and look back. Imagine how avant-garde this three-story home was in 1965 when it was built. We ask that you respect that this is a private residence as much as the architect himself did. He also designed the house to respect the site and maximize the lakefront view. In fact, from the back balcony of this house, the residents have a spectacular view over Lake Otis to six other Leedy homes, four coming up on the tour and two more that are gated and inaccessible to the public.
Looking from vista to vista from the upper balconies is a lovely way to move around inside this home, while feeling the freedom of the outdoors. The ground-floor courtyards with sliding glass doors protect privacy from the street while also supplying patio space for a sunrise or sunset retreat. The extraordinary black ironwork, salvaged by the Sands from the old Ocala post office, provides an interesting architectural element and security. Again, form follows function.
The purpose of this home and all Leedy houses is to make the individual feel good. One of Gene's favorite sayings is that he thinks Americans are so in love with their cars because they can't stand being closed up in their houses. He builds a home people want to live in and stay in. Drive your car to the next home and you may wish you were pulling into your own Leedy driveway.